Why is it good that you’re triggered?

For many years I was afraid of being triggered.

Like many others, I was careful not to get too much attention, not to risk upsetting anyone or to start any conflict. My mood was influenced by what others thought of me, how they reacted to me or my actions and I really didn’t feel comfortable with negative reactions.

I tried to think positively, to be a comfortable person who is very polite and never say anything that could sound offstream. It was a safe place – but I wasn’t showing my true colors. 

It took me many years to realize that my emotions were important – that they hold the key to my deep hidden hurts and that by understanding my triggers I can reveal my heavy baggage and get rid of it. 

Think about this, you wouldn’t be triggered by others’ comments or actions if you were completely in ease with yourself – something inside of you is making you react. And that something needs to be released so you could live a happier and peaceful life. 

Normally, our childhood wounds and insecurities show up as triggers, reactions and judgement towards ourselves and others. During our journey to self-love we need to find the heavy load that no longer serve us and to make peace with it.

Those triggers are great clues to where we need to look – what wounds and insecurities we need to work on in order to be free to live a loving, joyful life. 

Next time you feel that someone is upsetting you, that you feel the need to react and that you are triggered – take a paus and a big breath and be happy for the opportunity you get to find hidden hurts that need to be healed. 

Try to figure out what this situation is reminding you of, what bad experiences from the past could be correlated to this negative feelings and reactions that you feel at this moment. Or which old insecurities rise to the surface and make you react. 

When you understand your triggers you can forgive those that hurt you and release the pain, you can approach your judgement towards yourself and in that way get rid of your insecurities – this is how you heal yourself from past wounds and build up your self-esteem.    

Over time, you are going to see that less and less people and situations are making you react once you understand your feelings and can release your hurts and insecurities. Then, you would know that you are on the way to self-love and the harmonious life that follows.  

Sending you lots of love and positive vibes,


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