You know the feeling of a rush when you run to the bus or the subway, when you get annoyed by the driver in front of you that drives all too slow? When the line is too long and you are late for work?
It doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t need to be a slave to your schedule, to be stressed and anxious over small things that shouldn’t really affect your life.
I know how it feels since I was quite of a control freak in my younger years. I used to live my life worrying about everything that might go wrong and not be as perfect as possible.
Like many others, I was living in the past focusing on things that didn’t go so well in my life, and living in the future – being worried and anxious about everything that can go wrong. Until one day, when everything did go wrong – I was unemployed, ill and had no patience for anyone, getting upset at everyone that was near me.
But the best thing about having your fears come true, about hitting rock bottom, is that you actually see that it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. And realizing, and that everything can change for the better once you change your perspective.
Studies show, that people who live in the present, not worrying about the future or regretting the past, are happier and healthier. And it is a matter of choice and what we decide to focus on. We can always decide to be on the here and now.
So next time you’re feeling stressed and see others not acting the way you would like them too – you can decide if you’re going to make that ruin your day or if you’re just going to enjoy your time no matter what!
It takes practice to learn to enjoy your day, but it’s worth it and you’re going to feel much better once you start living in the moment.
So, take some time each day just to be in the here and now, forgetting about all the rushing and musts and just enjoying yourself!
Which situations can make lose your temper? what are your challenges in living in the here and now? Please share with us in a comment below.
Thanks and have great moments,